There shold be a Ministry of Denials too. Why not? Another portfolio, for sure, is not going to be a burden on the ex-chequer; given the back to back scam exposures. Prime Minister defends again. This time he talks about the compulsions. In a coalition politics the ruling party has to give in the demands. But why subject the government to the uncalled for 'blackmails'. It puts a big question mark on the motives of a PM known for his true administrative ethics. Legitimate or whatever, the demands should be put under litmus test. The Wikileaks exposures have turned out to be more dangerous than a nuclear war. Its impacts have stirred the hornet's nest. The diplomatic repurcussions could trigger severed ties. But why the UPA struggles to cosy up to the unrelenting opposition? The answer maybe in the ongoing 2G probe. After every crisis a series of denials and censures arrives. In the era of coalition politics the PM no longer acts as the head of the government. He serves as the head of the parties. Pacifying their anger. Gone are the days when India had robust governments and suo moto government heads. The need of the hour is to give more space to the PM. He already has the teeth. But he lacks the bite. So let the PM have the bite. Make the country climb up.
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