It has been ten years. Since the desire to assist the poor stirred Professor Kazi. An erstwhile Bombay Municipal Corporation member and veteran philanthropist. His stint as a dean of Arts at Bombay University earned him the repute of an astute academician. Not satisfied with his works and activities, he took upon himself, the responsibility to reach out to the needy. Professor Kazi, far removed from other sicio-economic activists, started on an unending journey. To aid and assist the cancer patients. His dream to to help the poor cancer patients turned out to be a reality on June 20, 2001. And, the Cancer Aid and Research Foundation (CARF) was born. Since then the CARF and its pioneer did not look back. In a decade old journey CARF has assited many a poor cancer patiens without partiality. The CARF has since been the proved to be refuge for the homeless, the needful and the underprivileged who cannot afford the treatment. Apart from assisting financially, CARF also distributes medicines from its own pharma company. The CARF owing to its larger interests has drawn veterans from differnt walk of life to its threshold. Many celebrities promnote CARF in terms of money and helping through other means. In the tenth year, CARF has developed a great network of people who always like to aid, assist and empathise with the poor. The journey goes on. Professor Kazi has not looked back. CARF goes on to see places. Let's pray the primary goal to assist the poor is met.
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