It was another gloomy afternoon. Like many other journalists in Malegaon, I too took out a pen after a painful four hour wait. Yes we were waiting for the Maharashtra Congress chief's advent. Fed up of utter faithfulness displayed by the Congress workers; I write this because everyone who came to address the "bearing" crowd talked about the possible, timely arrival of none other but our Manikrao Thakre. The crowds would have been hired on a meagre amount to decorate the occassion too started emanating dismay, though was not visible as they had to prove their loyalty. Finally the wait was over. Surprisingly all the speeches were bouncing over my head as I had to rush for my lunch too. As, was deprived of food for nearly six hours. Finally our beloved neta was there in khadi and black jacket and with the paraphernalia a politician carries wherever he embarks. Surrounded by fans and followers our neta (leader) was escorted to the dice.; where huge garlands, I don't know on what expenditure they bought them, were waiting to be honoured. At last our leader was ready to speak. As Salamu Alaikum. These greetings purely Islamic in nature crashed to my ears crushing my hearing abilities. I was awed. Shocked. In hibernation. As to why a leader needs to say salaam when he addresses a Muslim locality or bunch of followers. I took out my pen again. By this time my painful ordeal was over; particularly after hearing As Salamu Alaikum. As I started to pen down our neta's speech, not the verbatim, a thought bumped into my head. Does love seek no religion? I said no. As our nets practise no religion.
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