Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The head-less government...

It has been not more than two years since the YSR episode was played again and again on news channels. The not so much lucky chief minister of Andhra Pradesh met with worst air accident. The entire country was shocked. Acres of news prints were cultivated with the seed of a death caused due to an accident, reasons of which are still unknown. Except a few findings submitted y the inquiring team, there was no robust decision making that could have drafted a policy aiming to thwart any future such occurrences.
The wounds inflicted on the bodies of the near and dear ones who also mourned YSR's death still bear the blood mark. But the government has not woken up to the reality that it needs immense reshuffle in the fleet that guarantees safer aerial transportation. The news of Dorjee Khandu disappearing in similar aerial accident has proved that the government has failed to arrive at a robust decision making that could have prevented the tragedy.

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