Friday, August 8, 2008

Fantastic Class

Today we had a fantabulous class of Mr V Krishna Ananth. Never in my life I ahve ever come to face to face to such an splendid way of delivering the lecture. Since the class started everyone was clung to what Mr Ananth had to put forward. For me it was really an unbelievable situation where I found myself amidst the twister of knowledge. Mr Krishna Ananth, our faculty, who I was afraid to speak with eliminated all my fears in that particular lecture. Not by applying any remedy, any physio-therapy or any other traditional methods to treat the patients. the history of Indian Nationalism was a cakewalk for him. He just ran through the events in chronological order in the manner as the people count something on their finger tips. All those pre independent political happenings meant nothing to him as far as remembering them was concerned. So I enjoyed the class a lot.

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