Read the girls-seek-counselling columns on a Sunday tabloid page. A sex expert churning advices that guide the 'starved' , the
underly-privileged about the possible ways to screw. Urging the not so matured populace of the teens to quench their biological thirsts. Anyway, the parameters that distinguish the good from bad, separate the moral from immoral and propel the evil from crossing the line of the virtuous; have been tampered with. Read the boys whispering their anxieties about the girl not heeding their overtures. On any given Sunday morning you easily find such newly emerged trends, given space in an attempt to get these aspirants the right target. These papers forget their very own work of informing. These are a few sad, sickening pleasure achieving gimmicks adopted to relieve the 'starved' of the previous week's stress. Alas, the tricks then published in the form of the tips never help the girls or the boys to attain their sole goal to attach their target to a non existing string. Strings attached to many bodily parts fail to guarantee an unbreakable bond. The purpose to pen this article is neither to spread the moral education nor to pull the legs of those who indulge themselves freely to get the biological spurs satisfied. It's rather to amend the way the end of the week usually is spent. So guys have a break that does not shatter the weak end. Don't make it a week end folks...
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